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6 Ways to Actually Fulfill your New Year's Resolutions for 2018

It's that time of the year again. You sit by yourself and reflect on the year that has just gone by and think about a fresh list of resolutions you hope to achieve for 2018. You've done this before. Every single year, perhaps. But always seem to fall short on checking everything off your list. Let's try things a little differently with these 6 ways to make sure you get it all ticked off this year.


S - Specific. Don't just write "Save Money". Be specific and write down the amount you hope to save for the year or even better, how much you hope to save each month so you can achieve your goal amount by the end of the year. Ask yourself the 5 W's and 1 H. Who? What? When? Where? Which? How? Have an answer for as many of these questions as possible.

M - Measurable. Make sure there is a way to measure how much of your goal you have achieved. Whether it’s how much weight you’ve lost or how many trips you have gone for with your child(ren), make sure there is a number or a unit of measurement tagged to your goal.

A - Attainable. Goals are set for you to push yourself and reach new heights. But it is more important for them to still be within reach in order for you to continually work at it and know that these goals are achievable. Stay realistic.

R - Relevant. Set goals that are meaningful and fulfilling for you. Think about your goals carefully and pick the ones you think are most important to you as an individual. Picking goals that are irrelevant or have little meaning to you makes it even harder for you to achieve them because you’re just not as driven to want to accomplish them.

T - Time bound. Just like how goals should have a number or unit of measurement tagged to it, they should also have a time frame. Whether it is a specific date or a specific month of the year, state exactly when you hope to achieve a goal.

2. Make a shorter list

Having a long list of goals makes it harder for you to focus your time and energy. You may just find yourself spread thin and hardly achieving anything. So pick the few you think you need to help make your life better and work towards those instead.

3. Set mini goals

A year is a long time and sometimes we lose track of our goals amidst our busy lives. Continue to motivate yourself by setting mini goals and by rewarding yourself when you reach them. Not to mention, getting rewarded is also a good way to stay motivated.

4. Make them visible

Write them on post it notes and stick it on your desk or your bathroom mirror. Have it displayed on your desktop or in your planners. Keep them anywhere visible so you’re constantly reminded to stick to them!

5. Track them as the year goes by

Don't wait until the end of the year to review your progress. Write little messages to yourself in your planner on random weeks of the year to ask if you've made any headway with your resolution. And if you're into bullet journals, draw in trackers to help track each goal.

6. Start NOW

I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I love to start on a clean slate the moment the clock strikes 12 and it's 1 January of an entirely new year. But this only results in me having to get used to a variety of new habits at one go and it’s very overwhelming. This is hardly any good because I end up giving up on my new habits within weeks and sometimes, days! Undertaking new habits take time and both your mind and body will need that time to adjust and get in the motion. So don’t wait till the new year and start now!

So there you have it. This will probably be my last blog post for 2017. I hope 2017 has been nothing short of amazing for you. If it has not, I hope you find the motivation, strength, and courage to work towards having a better 2018. Till next time, Happy New Year! :)

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